Monday, January 26, 2015

Ok - this blog is in need of some serious updating.  New photos coming soon from Denver, Provo, Downtown Dieney, Anaheim's Discovery Science Center, The Plush Show and more.  I've also started playing with stretched perspective pieces and LOVE how they are turning out.  More to share soon!

In the meantime...
Feel free to check out this youtube link from a 2008 interview at one of my favorite festivals:
Denver Chalk Art Festival, 2008 "Piazza Del'Arte"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Artizen Magazine - Chalk It Up!

So honored (and surprised!) to be featured in the Chalk It Up section of the latest Artizen Magazine.
Thank you!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Denver's Chalk Art Festival, 2012

Such a wonderful time in Denver this year. We had everything from extreme heat, to crazy winds, to rain! In the end it was a beautiful day and the streets were lined with color. This was the first time I ever worked from an American artist! I found Rolf Armstrong's "Betty" online and fell in love with her beautiful eyes. Final image is 12'x12'.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Denver Chalk Art Festival 2011

A wonderful weekend in Denver, as always.  I love seeing all the familiar faces and the weather was beautiful.  Thank you for having me back, Denver!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank you Denver Chalk Art Festival!

Had another wonderful visit to Denver for the weekend. They have such a great support team!

A cool slideshow from a local news station:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just added "Pages" by CITY

Click on the links at the top of my blog for some past images by festival location.

**Please do not copy or reproduce any images without permission - Thanks!! **

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mount Vernon's Chalk the Walk 2010

Getting started, day 2 (thanks for the pic, Patti!)
detail from W.A. Bouguereau's "The Storm"

All finished - 12'x12'

...and with my signature "all done" pose... ;)  (thanks, Craig!)